Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gordian knot

Taking it to the next level (testimony to my need for adventure? risk-taking gene?), I just cast on for two socks at once, on two circular needles. I've been reading the sockknitters list, and the lovely lessons at Sheron's website for a month now, and finally took the plunge, since I earned it by finishing Sean's socks. The first attempt, where I ignored the advice to use two different-colored needles, was too scary to photograph. I didn't want to frighten off anyone else hoping to try this method, nor incur the scorn of those knitters already adept at this method. It truly was the Gordian knot, and ended up at the frog pond, with it's Medusa head held under the water until limp and quiet. This is going slightly better, using one set of Addi Turbos and one Addi natura, 1.5s. Lovely Lorna's Laces sock yarn. I'm still struggling with how to keep the working ends of the yarn from wadding up, stuck in the middle, etc. Perhaps less or more help from the cats, I haven't decided which.

1 comment:

acrylik said...

I haven't tried this method, so I'm looking forward to seeing how your socks turn out - good luck with it!