Saturday, March 24, 2007

Bear love

My grandaughter, Chloe, will be two in a couple of weeks. She's growing so fast it's hard for this slow knitter to finish anything for her; also, she's far away, so it's hard to do fittings. I heard this bear calling me, as I passed the Chatterbaux children's store a few weeks ago, and I just had to rescue him. He picked the yarn out of my stash, and I've been busy making his scarf and hat. Sean suggested pants too, but Bear likes being bear, er, bare, so I think this will do. I have enough of the chenille yarn from Cherry Tree Hill to make Chloe a hat, though I know two-year-olds are notorious anti-hat.

1 comment:

N. Maria said...

That yarn looks so yummy! The bear looks happy, too!