Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last row...

This project has been such a pleasure (not to say it has not also been a challenge and a learning experience, with a few frustrating puzzles thrown in for good measure as well). I totally get the thrill of top-down sweater knitting: no seams! Trying it on as you go! Customizing the fit!

I just have row 38 of the left sleeve and those 45 stitches at the cuff edge to cast off, then that little end to weave in. (and yes, blocking, but somehow that doesn't feel like it counts). I also need to mark the back inside of the neck, since I did custom shaping on the back to make it less blousy and loose.

Wisteria... My first NaKniSweMo
(national knit a sweater in a month)

Posted by ShoZu

done! (except for blocking, which may never get done, because I don't think I am taking this off. Ever.)



Marianne said...

What a Beauty! and it WAS fun! I'm really liking your mods, wish I'd thought of them sooner but... blocking did wonders (maybe not quite 'enough' but much better).
Yours is a fabulous fit and love LOVE the colours!

Unknown said...


You have done a great job and it looks great, are you planning to come to the cooking class wearing this masterpiece ?

Arijit & Sangita